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Wood storage bench

Posted on Jul 23, 2012 by in feature, Furniture | 0 comments

baltic woodbench


Okay, confession time. I can visualize unique and wonderful pieces of furniture.  I have (according to my wife) every woodworking and steel working tool known to man. I appear to have an innate sense of design and ability to combine form and function.  Not much of a confession huh?  Well, here it is.  I can picture things in my mind that I simply do not have the skills to make.  Nothing illustrates this limitation more then when I try to make a piece out of solid wood.

I know what to do, I understand all the ins and outs of wood joinery, I just don’t have the skills to build a robust piece of wood furniture.  This is probably why I originally decided to combine wood and steel. Seems I can’t go back now, and most of my designs require the strength of steel combined with the natural aspects of wood. I’ve tried to turn my limitation into an advantage, and am continuously encouraged by the positive comments and feedback my steel & wood pieces receive.

This wood bench is an excellent example.  Like lots of my pieces is weighs well over 100 pounds. Honest to god, I’ve had six adults standing on this thing at one time,  (long story, another time).  Since we don’t heat exclusively with wood it can comfortably hold about a weeks worth. Also notice that it planes into the height of the window sill (by design) and has become a favorite place to keep binoculars for wildlife viewing out of our living room windows. Sturdy bench, tidy wood storage, adn convenient horizontal surface for whatever needs setting down.

Mostly 2″ square tubing steel with carefully cut and positioned laminated Baltic Birch planks.  I have designs for tables, chairs, and other storage units in this style, just haven’t gone back to build them yet.



Custom designed pieces only.  Hit the contact button for consultation and pricing.